Why Friction Welding Over Other Processes

mti friction welding

Friction Welding offers a wealth of solutions to tough manufacturing problems. Thanks to key advantages — such as consistent quality, the ability to join different metals together, and reduced material waste — Friction Welding is a time-efficient and cost-effective way to produce new parts. Friction Welding is a powerful process that not only provides forged quality components, but gives engineers the confidence that the part will meet the quality standards of their application.

Why Friction Welding?

Friction Welding in all its forms: Low Force, Rotary, Linear, and Friction Stir, offers great advantages compared to more traditional welding processes. Here are three reasons why:

1. Consistent Quality

A friction weld – done on a wide variety of part sizes and applications – provides forged quality joining that our customers demand. Since the weld is machine controlled, the process is consistent and repetitive, eliminating human error while producing weld quality that is independent of an operator’s skill.

2. Dissimilar Metals

The truly unique thing about Friction Welding is the ability to join different metals. Metal combinations not normally considered compatible using conventional welding methods can be joined by Friction Welding.  So, if your application requires combinations such as aluminum to copper, copper to titanium, or stainless to aluminum, we have the process that can do it – and do it right.

3. Reduced Material Waste

Since a friction weld is stronger than conventional welds, it requires less raw materials to achieve the same fatigue and torque characteristics of the conventional part.  This means a reduction in both raw materials costs and post-welding machining time to remove extra material.

Whether you require the faster weld cycles offered by Rotary Friction Welding, the complex geometries available from Linear Friction Welding, or the long weld capability provided by Friction Stir Welding, there’s sure to be an innovative solution for you.

Your Project Partner

Friction Welding is a great process to ensure quality, innovation, and savings, but MTI offers more than just the process. We are your partners throughout your design, manufacturing, and post-project phases. We can help you design what you need and can even build a machine that will manufacture your product. If you don’t have the capacity or space for a new machine, we can build your component for you in either of our Manufacturing Services facilities in South Bend or the UK. Once your project is complete, we’ll make sure it’s done right with a testing and evaluation program.

Our collaborative structure offers a unique opportunity for our manufacturing and engineering experts to hear your story, learn about your unique challenges, and then determine the best solution for you. With a clearly defined task, extensive research, and a detailed concept in hand, you’ll be on your way to a finished product that addresses all of your needs.

Bringing the Process Together

At MTI, you have the ability to leverage both our machine-building and parts-manufacturing services, as needed. For instance, we can begin parts production on your behalf while your own machine is being designed and built — and we can also provide support if your own customer demand outpaces your machine’s capacity.

Next Steps

Talk with our expert engineers today to identify your needs and let us design a specialized solution for you. We’ll build a machine that makes your part, we’ll make the part for you, or we’ll help you make the part even better.

To learn more about MTI, explore our website to find out how we can work for you. Then, contact us to start a conversation about your next project!


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